(WAki International Media Center 8th June) From 25th December until 01st January 2023, Waki Relic Musuem was holding the exhibition of the relics of the Lord Buddha and His Disciples at Wat Mahathat Kings Bromley, Staffordshire, Headquarters of World Buddhist Dhammaduta Organisation, Plymouth and Wat Buddhapadipa Temple in London, United Kingdom.
(WAki International Media Center 6th June) His Holiness Bhamo Sayadaw Dr Bhaddanta Kumara Bhivamsa, Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee, 94 years old, vasa 74, peacefully passed away at Bhamo Monastery in Mahaaungmye Township in Mandalay at 11:11 pm on 25 May.
2023年5月18日,由MESOLABS主辦、AC Capital聯合主辦,由IEC協辦的SUPERCHARGING BANGKOK :WEB3 BUILDER CON 2023國際高端會議,在泰國曼谷皇家酒店隆重舉行。本次大會匯聚了WEB3領域、加密行業多位領軍人物和具有未來商業價值的區塊鏈平臺企業等,出席的嘉賓主要有OKX COO,Lennix;Director of OKX Chain Ecosystem Development SEA ,Jonathan;Founder of Delpha Foundation,Dino and IEC Gobal Speaker, Serge Smith等,現場反響熱烈,與會人員紛紛參與。